Yvonne Fovargue MP: Northern Rail has failed the people

Yvonne FovargueYvonne Fovargue
Yvonne Fovargue
A belated happy new year to all Wigan Observer readers and may I extend my thanks to the voters who re-elected me to Parliament on December 12.

It has been and will continue to be a honour to represent the people of the Makerfield constituency.

Last week, I called on the Prime Minister to end the misery of rail passengers in Wigan by stripping Northern Rail of its franchise to operate trains.

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The reality for rail passengers has been one of delays, cancellations and old trains more like cattle sheds than modern convenient trains.

Let me be clear, Northern Rail has failed the people who rely on its service.

To his credit the PM acknowledged the problem and agreed that the current situation was unacceptable.

These words will be welcomed but for me we have had no action from Government to address the shocking performance of this franchise – so the time has now come Prime Minister for action.

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In the first instance Northern Rail should be stripped of its franchise and tackling the deep-seated issues with the north’s railways should be the primary focus going forward.

Whilst much of the focus on the debacle is rightly placed at the door of Northern – they were after all complicit in bidding for the contract and helped draw up a timetable that could never be delivered, this hides a much more deep rooted problem of Government under investment in rail and the wider transport network in the north of the country.

We must rebuild our fragmented railways as a nationally integrated public service, and crucially devolve decision making and money to democratically accountable leaders across the country.

The reality is that the levels of performance and under investment will not be turned around overnight – but we must start now to build a positive future for our rail services.

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I know from my postbag before and during the general election campaign that putting our NHS on the table in future trade negotiations is a real concern for many constituents.

It would undermine it as a free, universal public service and we must not allow it to happen.