Injuries to Wigan firefighters include burns, bruising, puncture wounds and dislocations

Injuries revealedInjuries revealed
Injuries revealed
Firefighters have suffered hearing loss, burns, puncture wounds and other injuries while attending incidents around the borough.

Data obtained by the Post after a request under the Freedom of Information Act show Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service recorded 50 injuries to its staff across Wigan in the past five years.

The majority happened when they were attending fires and led to injuries including sprains, pain, lacerations, bruising, puncture wounds and dislocation.

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A fire service spokesman said: “The safety of our firefighters is a priority at every incident we attend. All operational staff are given intensive training to ensure they know what to do to keep themselves, colleagues and members of the public safe.

“There is also a range of procedures in place for when we attend an incident to ensure everyone’s wellbeing and all of our policies are constantly reviewed to ensure it is right for the wide range of incidents we attend. Staff are also trained in first aid and CPR to ensure they have these skills if they are needed.

“We attend thousands of incidents a year across the Wigan borough, so it is a credit to all of our firefighters and the way they work that there has been so few recorded injuries over the past five years.

“On the rare occasion a firefighter does suffer an injury there is a wide range of support available, including physiotherapy and counselling, to help them make a full recovery.”

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