Youths shone laser pen at drivers

Newbridge Learning Community (Google Street View)Newbridge Learning Community (Google Street View)
Newbridge Learning Community (Google Street View)
A group of youths who were shining a laser pen at drivers have been branded as stupid by fire crews.

Firefighters from Hindley were called Newbridge Learning Community School in Platt Bridge at around 9.30pm last night, Tuesday, after a fire alarm was set off by three teenagers.

On arrival, the crew found the youths shining what they described as a “heavy duty” laser pen at drivers crossing a roundabout on Moss Lane.

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Watch manager Pete Johnson said: “It is just stupid. You don’t know what is going through their minds really.

“When we arrived two of the youths ran off but we actually managed to stop one of them and we found the laser pen in the grass nearby.

“They don’t think they are doing anything wrong. They actually aimed it into the appliance at one point and in the eye of one of crew but luckily he doesn’t seem to have suffered any harm.

“The youth just kept saying ‘no harm done’ but what are they going to do, carry on doing it until they do cause some harm. What they were doing is incredibly dangerous.”

The police have been informed and the incident is being investigated.